
Hoje é o aniversário da minha cantora predileta, Alexz Johnson!!!
Toda a felicidade do mundo para ela, e que o cd solo consiga sair no proximo ano!!! *\o/*
it's way probably that you'll never read this letter, but I want to tell you how much your songs touch me, and how much I love to hear 'hem.
The lyrics talk directly with my heart, just as the melodies. Everytime I see some new about you i run to get more news!!
Thank you, so much for never give up, never give in, even when Epic let u down! Congratulations to be such an amazing performer, and i'd love if one day u'd come to make a show in Brazil.
It's really cliche, but I simply love you!! Thank you!! "

E essa é a carta q eu adoraria que a Alexz tivesse a oportunidade de ler!!! Uma pena que é bem provavel que ela nunca leia isso!!! hehehhehe

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